Quiessence Phillips: Polished Exterior, Techie Interior

Our lovely co-founder Quiessence Phillips is a Cyber Security professional with 10 years of experience working within the financial industry. She is also the creator of Securing Your Path - a community of women in Cyber Security. She is active in the tech community and has made significant strides in exposing youth to the world of technology through previous work with Urban Tech Alliance, Black Girls Code, and Qeyno Labs. Quiessence is a mom, mentor, coder, hacker, strategist, and change agent; and her personal motto is 'Polished Exterior, Techie Interior'. To learn more about her awesome ventures, check out itsquiessence.com

Interested in how your development skills can catapult you into a career in Cyber Security? Quiessence will speak about her firsthand experience that has helped her become a success with her cyber security career this Friday during our launch event at MASH Detroit. RSVP here and join us for the panel!