More than Code

Our goal at JOURNi is more than teaching computer coding. Our mission is to ensure all communities have access to the skills and education required to compete in today's digital world.

Whether it's launching our House of Technology Project, where software developers from across the globe can come to Detroit and live in our residential technology homes with subsidized rent, freeing them to work on building their startups with little to no overhead; or our Digitize Detroit campaign, that gives the 53% of Detroit business owners who don't have a website access to affordable website development.

JOURNi is ultimately about positioning Detroit as the epicenter of tech and start-up culture for communities of color.

Just as so many of our grandparents and great grandparents came to the motor city looking for work, we envision generations of young people, career changers and entrepreneurs flocking to Detroit to realize their dreams.


With your support we can realize that dream so much faster.


To support, please visit the JOURNi's Indiegogo Campaign


Brian McKinney

JOURNi Cofounder